Monday, March 3, 2008

Oh My Goodness, Its Monday

Does this mean that I actually have to let everyone know that I gained 4/10 of a lb. Yep, I did. What was I thinking when I came up with the brilliant idea of broadcasting my weekly results? (just kidding, I'm not really that worried about 4/10 of a lb). And I have a whole week to redeem myself.

I started my new job today and I don't know what it is about being out there in the work force, being productive, and making a difference, (not that I'm tootin my own horn, its just that every person has a job to do and hopefully I will do mine well), but it makes me want to take better care of myself. I haven't had my hair cut in a year and a about a stringy mess. Its up in a dad burn clippy everyday. Josiah was looking at my wedding pics one day and he looked very puzzled and asked, "Momma, where's your clippy." I think its time to get a hair cut. :) Just wish the weight issue could be remedied as easily and quickly as the hair issue. But it sure will be worth it in the end.

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