Thursday, March 12, 2009

Like Father Like Son

Josiah had a "brilliant" idea the other day. He decided to tie his shoes together, the right one to the left one...while on his feet I might add. We were in the van at the time, and after just a few minutes he realized how non-brilliant the idea actually was. He actually started freaking out a little bit because he didn't like not being able to pull his feet apart. He asked for my help, but I obviously could do nothing about it while driving. He began kicking his feet and in the process the knot became even tighter.

After parking the van, I tried to assist him but I couldn't loosen the knot, not one little bit. So, I told him to go on inside the house and I would work on it after he took his shoes off. He headed up to the front door as I was getting Jacob and Micah out of the car. I then heard a loud scream. Lets just say Josiah should have employed the "potato sack race" technique to get to the front door rather than taking off running. He banged up his knee pretty badly, but all was well after I bandaged it up for him.

About an hour later he went down into the basement and came back up with a pair of crutches. It has been so cute watching him hobble around on those things. You see, he is trying to be like his daddy. Alex was on crutches for a short while and just last week he began using a cane. Josiah makes the same groaning noises that Alex makes and insists that there are certain things he cannot do because of his "injury" (playing Wii is not one of them). It just makes me smile. I am so glad that Josiah looks up to Alex and wants to be like him.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Update...Sorry, Can't Think of a Catchy Title

I suppose this would be a good time to post an update....seeing as half of the winter season has past by since my last post. There have been things I've wanted to write about but I am unable, at this time, to reveal such thoughts (how's that for suspense?) But I thought it might be a good idea to update everyone on a few things.

Alex has been dealing with alot of painful affects from his accident. He still walks with a limp and simple tasks, such as airing up the tires on our van, are extremely painful. The official diagnosis is nerve damage, which his PCP acknowledges only time can heal. He has been put on this medication that makes him feel weird, but its the only thing out there that claims to possibly help nerve damage. So, please pray for him, as he feels permanently disabled at this point in time, having not seen much improvement at all in regards to his pain.

Jacob is inching ever to closer to being completely potty trained. Even though it has and will continue to be a slow process, I can finally see the finish line. I am so proud of him. I am just thankful that he will do just about anything for a Dr. Pepper (he IS his mother's child).

Josiah is playing basketball this winter which has been alot of fun. I have to admit that it takes me back to my b-ball playing days - the smell of the gym makes me smile....such a wonderful scent (the hardwood floors, that is, not the sweaty children). Josiah is a hustler, plays great defense, and has an eye for throwing a great pass. He hopes to continue playing in the future. He says he likes it better than t-ball.

Micah is just an absolute joy to be around. He has his moments (he is 3, you know) but he's so much fun and makes me laugh. He's also very smart. Alex took Micah along to a neurology appointment for Jacob last month and the neurologist kept observing Micah (even though she was supposed to be observing Jacob) and kept commenting on how advanced his development is. I don't take this for granted one bit. I am so thankful that there have been no reasons to be concerned about his neurological develepment.

I'm still working part time at a dental office and really love my job. I work with great people and look foward to going to work everyday. Not everybody can say that.

All in all, things are going well. God has truly been pouring out his blessings on us lately. More to come....I promise.