Friday, May 30, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I have so enjoyed watching the way Micah tries so intently to do eveything Josiah does. I've often wondered how well they would truly enjoy each other, given that there is a 4 year age difference. Fortunately, they play so well together and Micah's "type" of play is EXACTLY like Josiah's. I know they are brothers after all, but so much of the similarities I am referring to, I believe, are a product Micah's observing his big brother. It is really fun to watch. And although there are some behaviors I don't want Micah imitating, he has such a good role model in Josiah. The other night we were eating fried chicken and Josiah was chowing down on a chicken leg. We mostly eat boneless chicken, so he hasn't had much practice eating chicken off the bone. He bit down firmly on the bone and then proceeded to complain about needing some floss because he had a piece of bone between his teeth. Within a minute, Micah, too was complaining of an boo boo in HIS mouth. :)

This is off the subject, but Josiah just came into my room with a huge grin on his face because he completely, independently tied his own shoe. I bought him some NON-velcro shoes today so he had no choice. We've kinda been struggling with this process, but he finally did it. Yeah, Josiah.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Things That Excite A Working Mother of Three

However mundane this post may be to some of you, I thought I would go ahead with it. Here it goes: I am not the most disciplined person on this planet, so I struggle on a daily basis with getting behind and becoming overwhelmed with things like housework, laundary, paying bills, grocery shopping, etc. I don't like that about myself and I often daydream about having it "all together." How much nicer life would be... But, to be honest, I don't long for perfection in this area...I just want to be on top of things to the best of my ability, and I know I have not been giving it my all. Now, I'm not asking for you to analyze me and try to figure out the "whys" and "hows" of my behavior (although feel free if you want to take the time :)), I just thought I would ask my readers (however few it may be) to help "share your wealth" of knowledge/experience, especially where housekeeping is concerned. Do you have any daily chore that helps keep you caught up throughout the week? Any advise on grocery shopping, keeping up with the laundary, or being able to get to bed before midnight? What motivates you to get movin? And I'm hoping that this will benefit more than me. Please tell me that you are not all perfect. :)

I will start:
I set my kitchen timer for 5/10/15 minutes, however much time I've got at that particular moment, and do something in each room of my house. Its amazing how much you can accomplish in just 5 minutes.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cool Church

On Tuesday evening I was sitting on the couch, relaxing, watching TV, and Josiah entered the room. He stared at the TV for a few seconds and then commented, "That guy's gotta a cool church!" Then I proceeded to tell him that it wasn't a was American Idol. :) They did "have church" a few weeks ago when they sang "Shout to the Lord." Did anyone see that?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just Recording Some Significant Happenings

On Tuesday, Josiah met and had his picture taken with Dustin Pedroia, Red Sox 2nd baseman. He gave him a high-five which Josiah was extremely proud of. He says that he now has 2 favorite Red Sox: Big Papi and Dustin Pedroia. Big Papi, by the way, will be replaced one day by Josiah (according to Josiah) :)

Twice this week, I heard the toilet flush soon after Jacob went up the stairs. And knowing that I didn't flush the toilet and neither did Alex, Josiah, or Micah, process of elimination (no pun intended) told me that Jacob did. He went to "go potty" without being told...which has never happened. We usually set a timer and when the timer goes off he is told to go pee and he does. So, doing this independently was HUGE!

Today Josiah reached the milestone of having the training wheels taken off his bike and did great! No battle wounds to show for it, fortunately.

Alex got a $2.00/hr raise at one of his jobs, which will be a big help to us. Thank you, Jesus!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

That's Pretty Smart

My sister, Jaime: (speaking to her 5 year old son, Sam) "Sam, you are really smart!"

Sam: "Yeah, I am really, really, really smart. But, Daddy's the smartest. He is
really, really, really, really, really, really smart."

Jaime: "So, what about me?"

Sam: "You're a little smart. You're smart at wiping booties." (and imagine this coming from the cutest little hickey, southern accent):)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Business As Usual

I'll make this short and sweet. Our meeting today went really well. Jacob will be able to continue going to his current school, we get to keep our wonderful home therapist for the same amount of time each week, and there were no changes to his transportation. We determined what his goals for next year will be and life goes on as usual for my precious baby boy. No transitions and no cutting of services. Praise God! We are so thankful. Thanks to all who lifted us up in prayer today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just What I Needed

The following is an e-mail I received today from a subscription I have to This website e-mails daily prayers to its subscribers for autistic children and their families. Anyone can subscribe and they include two different prayers - one for the parents themselves and one for extended family and friends. To get a better idea of what I mean just read on. Today's prayer was exactly what I needed considering what we will be going through on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

“Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine.” (Gen. 27:28).


We thank you that just as the dew falls from heaven, so does the abundance of your provision and supply for our lives. Therefore, Lord, we ask that you would provide all that we need in our situation. Lord, we ask that you would provide all the funds we need to help _______ move forward. We pray that you would supply all the professional help we need, especially (name a few needs, such as good school administration, teachers, therapists, doctors, advocates, pastors, lawyers, etc.). Father, we ask that you would provide each member of our family with all the patience, love, kindness, and understanding that we need to have with each other and with ________. We thank you that just as the dew falls anew each morning, that you would supply every one of our needs anew each day. We praise you for your unfailing love and faithfulness to us.
In Jesus’ Name,


I thank you that just as the dew falls from heaven, so does the abundance of your provision and supply for the _______ family. Therefore, Lord, I ask that you would provide all that they need in their situation. Lord, I ask that you would provide all the funds they need to help [child’s name] move forward. I pray that you would supply all the professional help they may need, especially (name a few needs, such as good school administration, teachers, therapists, doctors, advocates, pastors, lawyers, etc.). Father, I ask that you would provide each member of their family with all the patience, love, kindness, and understanding that they need to have with each other and with [child’s name]. I thank you that just as the dew falls anew each morning, that you would supply every one of their needs anew each day. I praise you for your unfailing love and faithfulness.
In Jesus’ Name,

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thursday Afternoon

As most of you are aware, back in September Alex and I moved just a few miles down the road from where we previously lived, but its in a different town, therefore a different school district. This coming Thursday we will be having a meeting with the special education director for Jacob's annual IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) meeting. Up until now our previous school district has been funding Jacob's schooling (he was outplaced to a wonderful private school) and home-based services, but now its time for our new district to take over. I would really appreciate your prayers on this day. We want Jacob to continue having the same services he has been getting for the past two years, and we really hope this new district will be in agreement with us. I have no reason to think that they will "fight" what has already been in place, but you never know. Josiah started kindergarten here in the fall and I have been nothing but impressed with his elementary school, so hopefully the special education department will be no different.

At this meeting there will representatives there from the school district, the school Jacob is attending, his home services, and, obviously, Alex and me. Its really an awesome thought knowing that there will be so many people in one room advocating for Jacob and coming together to put in place the perfect plan for him. He really does have so many who care for him. For those of you who don't know Jacob, I promise, you would fall in love with him immediately. So, when you think of us this week, say a little prayer.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Righty or Lefty

During Josiah first t-ball game this morning (actually it was more like a practice), I had a good laugh watching his coaches try to figure out if he was right or left handed. They would ask each player his/her hand preference and then proceed to show them how to stand, hold the bat, and swing. When Josiah's turn came, they asked him the question and he answered, "both." They had him swing both ways and not so easily determined he should bat left handed. Now we have had the toughest time over the last few years trying to determine his hand preference, but after he began writing with his right hand, we thought we had it figured out. Although, he still does some things just as well with his left hand, liking throwing a baseball. Seeing as I spent $20 on Friday on a right-handed baseball glove, we will continue to foster that right-handed throw :), but looks like we have a switch hitter on our hands.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Converting Poop Into Energy

I don't know if ya'll are aware of how much I HATE POOP! I mean, I'm glad that it exists in that we have a way to get rid of waste in our bodies, but I am sick and tired of cleaning it off of bottoms (and arms and legs and hands for that matter). Jacob is not poop trained yet, and even though Micah is I still have to clean him up afterwards...and he is still mostly "doing his duty" in his little potty and sometimes he doesn't sit on it straight if you know what I mean. Anyway, the other day I saw a story on the news about this place that was converting cow poop into an alternative energy source and it was being used to heat and cool homes in the area. If only I had the brains and resources to do this...I could "create" enough energy for me AND you for the next ten years. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Roller Coaster

Josiah woke up Saturday morning moaning, not wanting to get out of bed. He said he didn't get any sleep because I wouldn't let him have ice cream at 8:00 the night before, so he was hungry all night long. And because he couldn't sleep he was thinking about the Little League Parade and Opening Ceremonies that were to be held on Saturday morning, something he was not looking foward to.

Josiah, an hour before the festivities: "I don't want to play t-ball. I don't know how to play and I won't be any good. And I KNOW I will NOT HAVE FUN!"

Josiah, this evening before bedtime: "I wish tomorrow was next Saturday already, so I can PLAY T-BALL!!!!!"

I wonder where he gets that emotional up and down tendency. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Just To Make You Smile

This video is so precious. You won't regret taking a look. Enjoy!

Friday, May 2, 2008

What Do YOU Think?

So, tell me what you think. In this world we live in, is it more about how talented one may be, how much potential one may have, how intelligent one may be OR is it who you know that allows great opportunities to come your way? It really frustrates me when I see people in positions (especially in ministerial positions) that are only there because of who they know. Now if that person were to also have the qualifications for the job, then more power to 'em. But I have recently seen too many examples of the opposite. Does experience and education mean anything?