Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Past Week

I just realized it has been a few days since I've posted anything. Just a few little tid bits of what's happened over the past week:

1.Made a midnight rush to the store after realizing that one of my children was getting jipped for Easter (poor Josiah... and he is the only one who really cares about that sort of thing)

2. Watched some college basketball while my husband cooked a pork tenderloin for Easter dinner :)

3. Called my Aunt Barbara to wish her a happy 60th birthday.

4. Jacob pooped on the potty for the very first time (albeit an enema was involved)

5. Received my "prize" from my friend Amy. (for those who are unaware, click here)

6.Watched Dancing With the Stars and American Idol, but had to miss John and Kate +8.

7.Purposefully did not weigh myself on Monday because I pigged out on Sunday.

8.Got extremely behind on laundary which I've realized now that I'm working this will be a weekly ritual.

That about sums it up without getting carried away.

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