Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Express Your Creativity

I posted the other day about Jacob's "Day of the Arts" event that his school hosted last week. Here are two paintings that Alex "won" in the silent auction. (I'm sure its no surprise that every parent goes home with his/her child's artwork :))

Jacob's school does an awesome thing by getting the students' artwork framed for this occasion and it makes it look so nice. They really are a special group of people, for so many reasons!

So, what would you name each piece of art?


Anonymous said...

Those are really great! I am very impressed.

For the top one, I recommend "Study in Primary Colors"

For the bottom one, I would say either: "Desert Dusk" or "Stampede of the Animals"


Amy said...

Seen in the future at famous galleries everywhere --

Painting #1: "Tribute to Azerbaijan"

Painting #2: "Moonlight Serenade"

Great job Jacob!

JoAnna said...

SWEET!! I would sooo love to have those for my house! Really.. love abstract art!

1. "read between the lines"
2. "God"

First thoughts upon sight.

Kit said...

Jenn! Love the artwork.
Different subject: we have some friends from seminary (graduated a few years ago) from Uganda who are in town to get medical help for their son, who is autistic (just diagnosed). They are considering coming back to seminary for the express purpose of living in the US for a few years to get Stephen into a school here.
I would love for them to meet you guys, if possible. The mom would love to talk to you.
I want to tell you more. Email me at or comment on my blog or on facebook. They are here for just 2 more weeks.
Hope to talk soon!

joshua said...

Those really are good!

#1 - "From Genesis to Revelation

#2 - "Hot Sneeze at Dawn"