Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Go Figure!

Josiah's kindergarten class has been studying nature over the last few weeks. They actually have a greenhouse right outside their classroom where they planted marigolds for us moms for Mother's Day. And in studying nature, there has been an emphasis on protecting our environment. I have been told on a number of occasions recently that my Dr. Pepper can or my plastic cup does not belong in the trash. Let's just say Josiah has become the recycle police.

So, becoming a better steward of God's creation is something that has been on my mind lately, and many things that are bad for our environment are also bad for our bodies. So, ironically, the other day I was spraying some Clorox Cleanup on my kitchen counter. It was almost all gone, so I opened it up and poured some directly onto the counter. Inhaling the fumes caused my chest to hurt and I wheezed all night long. So, the next day I went to my favorite place, Target, and bought some all natural "green" multi-purpose cleaner. I felt so good using this product, knowing that my kids were not inhaling harmful fumes, until Alex brought something to my attention. He informed my that he, on occasion, will use a handy cleaning product to spray insects that he sees around the house. The Clorox Cleanup didn't phase those puppies, but my wonderful "green" product killed them instantly. Go figure! Anyone know of a natural cleaning product that won't strike an ant dead in a split second? :)


Cosmic Dominion said...

I have so much to say on this topic, it would be a book. I'll just wait till I see you.

Amy said...

I wish Ashley would say more, I'm always curious.
I just recently started using vinegar for almost everything. I think it's 2 parts water v 1 part vinegar. I use it on all my counters, table, appliances, etc. Works like a charm & is pretty much a natural thing.
I also know my kids aren't going to die if they get a hold of it.

AliciaG said...

Hey Jennifer,
I was so surprised to see your comment. I am glad you identified yourself. It has been a long time. I went to your blog and have read some of your posts. It sounds like you have a pretty busy life being a mom of 3 little boys, as well as a wife and holding down a job too. How are your Mom and Dad, sister and brother? Oh by the way, thanks for the birthday wishes. Would love to hear from you again.
Mrs. G