Friday, May 2, 2008

What Do YOU Think?

So, tell me what you think. In this world we live in, is it more about how talented one may be, how much potential one may have, how intelligent one may be OR is it who you know that allows great opportunities to come your way? It really frustrates me when I see people in positions (especially in ministerial positions) that are only there because of who they know. Now if that person were to also have the qualifications for the job, then more power to 'em. But I have recently seen too many examples of the opposite. Does experience and education mean anything?


Anonymous said...

I have found that it is who you know. It doesn't matter what kind of education and experience you have... if you know someone who has influence... you chances just went to 100%.

It is sad because there are alot of people out there who have soooo much potential but no one will give them a chance because they are "no bodies" in the book of some bodies.


Amy said...

98% who you know
1% experience/ education/ skill/ talent
1% personality

And it's that way in finding a teaching job too!

Jaime said...

I think there are many people in charge that look for education but I think education is probably the lowest on the list these days. I think more people desire experience and above all they want someone they know. Coming from someone who doesn't have a college education I'm glad there are people out there who desire experience. I believe that I've gotten most my jobs by who I know. In alot of cases though there are people way more qualified b/c of their education but are not chosen b/c they don't know them or anyone on their reference list. Sad huh?

Jenn said...

Jaime, I've also gotten a job or two because of who I've known. I'm thankful for that because I gained experience through those jobs. And I believe that experience, skills, and talents, not just education, help qualify people for a specific job. But what bothers me is when someone with no qualifications is given an opportunity over someone who has those qualifications...just because they know the right people.