Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just What I Needed

The following is an e-mail I received today from a subscription I have to childrenofdestiny.org. This website e-mails daily prayers to its subscribers for autistic children and their families. Anyone can subscribe and they include two different prayers - one for the parents themselves and one for extended family and friends. To get a better idea of what I mean just read on. Today's prayer was exactly what I needed considering what we will be going through on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

“Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine.” (Gen. 27:28).


We thank you that just as the dew falls from heaven, so does the abundance of your provision and supply for our lives. Therefore, Lord, we ask that you would provide all that we need in our situation. Lord, we ask that you would provide all the funds we need to help _______ move forward. We pray that you would supply all the professional help we need, especially (name a few needs, such as good school administration, teachers, therapists, doctors, advocates, pastors, lawyers, etc.). Father, we ask that you would provide each member of our family with all the patience, love, kindness, and understanding that we need to have with each other and with ________. We thank you that just as the dew falls anew each morning, that you would supply every one of our needs anew each day. We praise you for your unfailing love and faithfulness to us.
In Jesus’ Name,


I thank you that just as the dew falls from heaven, so does the abundance of your provision and supply for the _______ family. Therefore, Lord, I ask that you would provide all that they need in their situation. Lord, I ask that you would provide all the funds they need to help [child’s name] move forward. I pray that you would supply all the professional help they may need, especially (name a few needs, such as good school administration, teachers, therapists, doctors, advocates, pastors, lawyers, etc.). Father, I ask that you would provide each member of their family with all the patience, love, kindness, and understanding that they need to have with each other and with [child’s name]. I thank you that just as the dew falls anew each morning, that you would supply every one of their needs anew each day. I praise you for your unfailing love and faithfulness.
In Jesus’ Name,

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