Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Converting Poop Into Energy

I don't know if ya'll are aware of how much I HATE POOP! I mean, I'm glad that it exists in that we have a way to get rid of waste in our bodies, but I am sick and tired of cleaning it off of bottoms (and arms and legs and hands for that matter). Jacob is not poop trained yet, and even though Micah is I still have to clean him up afterwards...and he is still mostly "doing his duty" in his little potty and sometimes he doesn't sit on it straight if you know what I mean. Anyway, the other day I saw a story on the news about this place that was converting cow poop into an alternative energy source and it was being used to heat and cool homes in the area. If only I had the brains and resources to do this...I could "create" enough energy for me AND you for the next ten years. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I would definitely be a stockholder!

Oh ya, to reply to your post about our political views: we've actually been Obama fans for awhile now. But we can't tell my parents, they'll think we've renounced our faith : )