Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Not That Unique, Am I?

My birthday is in 3 days and what did I ask for? A vacuum cleaner! Alex thinks I have totally lost my mind. Who would ever want a vacuum cleaner for his/her birthday?....ME! My initial request was a keyboard, but realizing that it was not in our budget (at least the kind I really wanted), I had to rearrange my list of wants. And since my vacuum picks up dirt just as efficiently with the power turned OFF as it does with the darn thing ON, it moved up to the very top of my list. I get really stressed out when Alex overspends on my birthday (or any special day, for that matter), which he is very guilty of doing. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it so much, but it does cause some stress. I figured we would have to buy a vacuum anyway, why not just use it as a birthday gift. Also, being able to vacuum my house and being able to tell that I vacuumed would make me very HAPPY! Who doesn't love a crumb-free carpet? My beautiful, precious, extremely vivacious son Jacob is the world's messiest kid. We have not been successful at figuring out a way to keep him seated when he eats, so food ends up everywhere. Just imagine him grabbing a handful of chips and running into the living room devouring the chips like cookie monster eats cookies. Thats my life on a daily basis. (for those of you who don't know, Jacob is autistic...I'm not just a clueless, pushover mom :)) So, one could see why a new vacuum would make me happy.

Alex has been the object of some innocent ridicule among his family and co-workers over gifts he's given me in the past. A few years ago, shortly after moving to Massachusetts he gave me Celtics tickets for my birthday, and for Mother's Day 2 years back, I received Red Sox/Yankee tickets (which for those who don't know are very hard to come by). His nephew gave him a hard time when he got me a set of Teflon cookware for Christmas. I loved it! About a year before Alex had bought a set of non-Teflon cookware from Emeril and I hated it. Everything stuck to it, so I was more than pleased to see the word Teflon underneath that wrapping paper. Thank God that Alex listens to me and knows me so well and doesn't let his pride take over. He got me diamond earrings once and I lost one of them. I guess he learned his lesson. Be honest with I strange?


Amy said...

If you are strange then I am too. Oh, that probably doesn't make you feel better since you know that I am strange...

I think practical girls like practical gifts.
Our men love us because of our practicality, so they understand us.

I need a new vacuum too. I like the hepa air filter ones.
But our list is endless, of the things we need.

And I bet Jacob would like to help with the vacuuming. ;)
Maybe you could share in some of your posts, a little more about what you've learned since living in Holland? I'd love to hear more.

Anonymous said...

Nope! I am definitely the same way. I would much prefer a practical gift. I like the occasional frilly gift, but for the most part, I'd rather have something practical that I feel guilty spending the money on outside of a special occasion.

I've just yet to convince Scott to take me up on my requests!

Anonymous said...

happy early birthday! and welcome to the blog world...

Anonymous said...

We've been married 37 years, and I am probably the queen of practical gifts! That is usually what I ask for! This year my birthday/Christmas gift (my bd is 12/24...) was a refrigerator for school! No more jogging to the staff lounge! We live off the electrical grid, so batteries for solar storage are another popular gift idea for us! I believe my vacuum was 2 years ago, and it still will pull dirt out of my carpet that I will swear is coming from the dirt under the house! Its great! Ours is the Hoover version of the it! So, as I'm sure Sarah will attest, I'm strange/unique (she'd lean toward strange, I'm sure!! Love ya, Sarah) I figure if it makes my life easier, then 'it's all good"!

Jonah/Abigail's Memaw!