Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Making it"

I was playing basketball in the driveway with Micah this afternoon, pretending as though I was 20 years old again. Its fun to see my son interested in something that was such a huge part of my life. Its even  more fun to hear him say, as we were playing "knockout", "Mom, will you quit making it?!"  Forty one years old, 50 lbs overweight, out of shape, and I can still shoot the ball. It amazes me how some things stick with us, even as we grow older. My body has certainly changed, my brain doesn't work as quickly as it used to,  I'm slow and tired, but there are things that God birthed in me that are just part of who I am. I am guilty of not recognizing that I am who I am for a reason. I get so consumed with the areas I don't measure up, where I fall short, areas that overwhelm me with insecurity. I fail to listen to that voice that whispers, "you are fearfully and wonderfully made." Those wonderful things that God created in us should not be buried just because we may not be at the top of our game.

I am determined to begin engaging in activities that I am either good at or that I enjoy. I want to face my fears and trust that if God has given me a certain gift, it must be for a reason and He will support me in my attempts to use those gifts.

Again, folks, I am not there yet. I am giving myself a pep talk through this post. I know what I believe about God and His Word, but taking it to heart and living it is a whole different ballgame. No, Micah, I will not quit making it. :)

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