Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Quick Update

Well, we are finally getting settled here in sunny southern California. I do have to admit that I am sad, though, that we weren't preparing for a blizzard the last couple of days...the Massachusetts kind of blizzard where it snows over a foot and the relationship between the tires on your car and the asphalt on the street doesn't miss a beat, not the Arkansas kind of blizzard where it snows 2 inches and the entire city shuts down for a week. Being house bound is no fun, at least not for any length of time. I am experiencing some of that frustration, minus the snow, during this season in my life. Husband at work, kids in school, no job, no car....no fun.

Thankfully, Alex has been "on the job" for about a month now. He was offered a position as a chaplain for Pacific Hospice/volunteer coordinator for Meal on Wheels and he jumped at the chance to enter into the work force again. He is gaining some very valuable experience. Jacob just started a new school a couple of weeks ago and is receiving 10 hours of home therapy per week. I have been very pleased with his services so far here in the Golden State. Josiah and Micah have settled into their new lives with ease. They attend the same school and really seem to like it, although they would never admit liking school in general. Josiah has a hard time with what he considers our journey in life..."We have to go to school for 14 or 15 years, then college, then work, and then when we finally get to retire, we die soon! That is so wrong!!!" Micah started kindergarten this year and is doing very well. He gets home from school at 1:00 everyday so I still have some Micah time, something that I try to cherish knowing that my youngest is growing up fast.

I am not working right now, but I am looking. I was first looking for full-time employment and had a very probable opportunity that hasn't seemed to work out at this time. But I may need to be searching for something more part-time. Micah gets home from school at 1:00, Jacob gets home at 2:00 and has therapy from 2:30-5:00, and Josiah gets home at 3:15. I really need the perfect "mothers hours" situation. So, I am beginning to re-adjust my search. Hopefully the ideal opportunity will come my way.

Just wanted to quickly update everyone who may be curious about the ever changing life of the Aarons. I say this every time, but I really want to start blogging again. :)

1 comment:

Kit said...

Jen, glad to hear what's up with you guys. We still talk about playing with your guys in D Building. So glad to here that Alex is working and that you're happy with Jacob's services. That's huge!